Jasmine Bouquet Oil Scent


Jasmine Bouquet Oil Concentrated Scent, 2.0 fl oz bottle, it has a harmonious tropical flower perfume, calms nerves, and anxiety, and encourages meditation.

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This is a concentrated Jasmine Bouquet Oil Scent, a bottle of 1.6 fl oz.

Jasmine Bouquet Oil Scent Note

Jasmine Bouquet with dropperJasmine bouquet bottle NB

Indulge in the captivating aroma of our Concentrated Jasmine Bouquet Oil Scent. This fragrance is like stepping into a tropical paradise, where the air is filled with the alluring scent of blooming jasmine flowers. The harmonious blend of this intense and exotic perfume creates a serene ambiance that calms nerves, eases anxiety, and encourages moments of meditation and relaxation. Experience the transformative power of our Jasmine Bouquet Oil Scent and create a sanctuary of tranquility in your home.

Enhance your space by adding a few drops of this exquisite fragrance to your Rainmate or Rainbow basin with water. Our concentrated formula ensures that a little goes a long way, offering you extended usage. With just 7 to 10 drops, you can enjoy the enchanting scent for up to 6 hours, making each bottle last longer than regular Rainbow scents. The convenient drops applicator included with each bottle allows for precise and effortless application.

This fragrance is tested by us and is safe to use on Rainbows and Rainmate devices, providing you with peace of mind and exceptional fragrance enjoyment.


  • Concentrated Jasmine Bouquet Oil Scent
  • 2.0 fluid oz
  • Plastic Bottle
  • Drops applicator included
  • Concentrated Fragrance
  • Safe to use on Rainbows and Rainmate devices

Add a touch of tropical elegance to your home with our Concentrated Jasmine Bouquet Oil Scent. Immerse yourself in the captivating allure of jasmine and create an ambiance of serenity and relaxation. Order your bottle today and let the enchanting fragrance of jasmine transport you to paradise.

Experience the bliss of Jasmine Bouquet Oil Scent – order now!


Weight0.12 lbs
Dimensions6 × 1.5 × 1.5 in


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