Regular Maintenance and care of your Rainbow Vacuum. Cleaning a Rainbow vacuum cleaner may sound a bit weird, but if you like your Rainbow last for many years, and for optimal performance, you will need basic care.
Follow these simple steps to perform basic and proper maintenance of your Rainbow.
Easily Removing the residual Dirt
Remove residual dirt after each use with a wet paper towel or a rag, cleaning the intake hole and under the Rainbow after remove the water basin. If you regularly clean your Rainbow after each cleaning, you will avoid accumulating residual dirt and therefore it will be really easy to clean the next time.
Cleaning basin after use

Clean and rinse your Rainbow water basin with clean water and a rag, to avoid any debris, mud build-up or Rainbow Fragrance residue, after each use.
Do not clean the water basin in a dishwasher or with a pressure water machine, Rainbow tank is made of a strong plexiglass material, but if you drop it from high altitude, or heat it, can break edges of the basin.
Cleaning the Separator

Rainbow Separator needs to be clean at least once every 3 months or after ten deep cleanings. Use the Rainbow separator brush to remove the holding nut and properly clean your separator.
For more details on how to clean your separator please check this post.
Proper storage

Do not store the Rainbow outdoor, under extreme temperatures or in a dusting environmental. You can use the special Rainbow storage rack to properly and conveniently store your Rainbow and attachments.
Remove Basin out from the Rainbow
It is very important to store your Rainbow unit without the Water Basin in place, Storing your Rainbow with the basin in place do not allow the internal humid to escape out, this eventually can cause internal corrosion and mold build-up.

Do not leave the Rainbow with dirty Water.
Very bad smells accumulate when the Rainbow is stored or leave it not running with dirty water in the basin for long periods of time.

Avoid to running the Rainbow without Water
The water is the fluid which traps every dust and dirt particles that come into the Rainbow, Running your Rainbow without water allows all these particles pass into the Rainbow internal parts, and also clogging your HEPA filter, which is designed to be a backup filter to work together with the water.

Please refer to your owner’s Rainbow Manual for other tips and daily care of your Rainbow system.
I have a Rainbow vacuum cleaner that is older than dirt. It still works fine, but I would like to have some maintenance (thorough cleaning, worn parts replaced, lubrication, …) pulled on it. Where can I take it in the Williamsburg, VA area?
Hi Richard, please use this link in order to find your local distributor.
Thanks for sharing these valuable maintenance tips for the Rainbow vacuum cleaner! Proper care and regular maintenance indeed contribute to the longevity and efficient performance of any appliance. These steps seem straightforward and easy to follow, ensuring the Rainbow vacuum remains in top condition. Keeping the Rainbow clean and well-maintained after each use is a great way to ensure it performs optimally for years to come.
My serial number is 20346544 112. What is my model?
You have a E2 black Rainbow model
What do I do when foam is in the vacuum I do t know where it went but the machine stopped working. Is it broken?
Mihaela, if you are experiencing foam in your Rainbow vacuum and the machine has stopped working, it may not mean that it is broken. This is a normal operation of the rainbows in order to avoid spilling.
To address this issue, follow the following steps:
1. First, make sure to turn off and unplug the vacuum for safety purposes.
3. Remove the water basin and empty any excess water or foam that you may find.
4. Clean with water very carefully until removing any soap, disinfectant, fragrance or liquid added more than water, and fill the basin only with water before placing it back in the vacuum.
5. Additionally, inspect the water separator, located on the motor unit, to see if any foam or debris has accumulated there. If so, clean it out carefully.
6. Once everything is cleaned, reassemble the vacuum and try turning it on again.
Remember that foaming in your Rainbow can be appears because you use an excess of fragrances, non recommended disinfectants or cleaning liquids into the water basing, please, only use Rainbow approved or safe fragrances in a small amount into the water basin.
Is it ok if I opened my srx while it was running
Hi Justina, For security reasons, if you open the Rainbow while it is running, the machine will turn off.
Justine. It’s generally not recommended to open your SRX vacuum while it’s running. Doing so will interrupt the vacuum’s operation for safety matters. Additionally, opening the vacuum while it’s active could expose you to dust and debris that’s being collected, which is best contained within the unit for effective cleaning and for maintaining good air quality
Do they do good with picking up cat hair?
While letting my machine run to filter the air it ran out of water. Is it harmed. It was running for six hours and started with proper water level.
No Theresa, Running without uncleaned water is not likely to damage the Rainbow, but the HEPA filter is going to get dirty and clogged with dust sooner than normal, so it’s best not to use it without checking the water level for more than 4 hours in high speed.
Is there a such place where I can have my rainbow machine cleaned by professionals here in vegas
How do I remove the hepa filter on my Rainbow RHC819? The screws on the back are a weird shape but no tool came with the vacuum.
Hi Bonnie
Old rainbows have the HEPA filter housing cap screwed into the Frame with four Phillips screws, if they are different it is probably because somebody changed them after a maintenance.
My friend accidentally used their rainbow vacuum without putting water in it!! How does one clean / fix this ?
Hi Kenni.
My recommendation is to remove and clean very good the separator and buy and install a new HEPA filter because without water all the particles were filtered and stayed in the hepa. Normally the hepa filter can be cleaned but if you use the rainbow without water the amount of dirt could be too much to be cleaned.
Hi my daughter vomited on the floor can I use the wet pickup extractor attachment on my rainbow?
Yes you can, but you need to clean your water basin after that, and we recommend you to suck up fresh water to clean and wash the hose internally.
Where can I go with our rainbow to give it a good maintenance work in Miami Dade County, FL?
Call to (305) 253-5402
After & a couple months of use now, when the Rainbow is running low speed for air filtration & scenting, it is making a higher pitched sound (somewhat louder & annoying) than it initially did. I made sure the rubber fittings were clean & not allowing some excess air, but no change. An y suggestions??
Hi Greg.
It could be the separator or other internal part, to be honest the best way to know is checking the Rainbow in a Service center, most Rainbow distributor can check your Rainbow for free.
Where can I take my rainbow vacuum that is due for maintenance? And where can I order those liquid freshener to put in the basin? I live in Gold Coast, Australia. Thanks
In order to find and contact your local dealer, You can look into the Rainbow website in order to locate your closest Regional Distributor, use this link:
My new rainbow vacuum cleaner won’t stay on . It turns of after you turn it on what could it be
The Rainbow has a safety system to prevent it from overheating if something is preventing it from working normally, just check that there is nothing obstructing or preventing the separator from turning, or that the hose is covered with something, try to stretch the hose and see If it has something inside if everything looks normal you should take it to the service, a dealer will check the machine at no cost.
We got a rag caught in the hose what can we do
Hi Teresa, don’t worry, sometimes that happens to people, you’re not the first, just Remove the cap and connect the Rainbow’s hose through the air outlet, then turn on the Rainbow and point the hose to the side that there is nothing, the mat will come out
Hello I have a an older basic model rainbow vacuum. I bought it second hand. A few weeks ago it started making a loud scraping sound while I was vacuuming.
Since then every time I turn it on it makes the noise. I have not used it since. I cleaned out the separator, it was not really dirty. However, the sound persisted.
Do you have any recommendations For this?
What if you are using it to pick up only water, can I leave it without water, I don’t have the attachment for steamed cleaning but what to use the hose to suck the water out of a mattress like a steamed cleaner, can I do that or will it damage the machine
Leishia. Yes you can, but you have to be aware when the water is getting to the full level, cause’ the new Rainbows will shut off before the water will spill out , it is better if you turn it off by yourself